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Real Estate Preferred Equity / Mezzanine

Property type:


  • Residential: Multifamily, Student Housing, SFR, and For-Sale Housing

  • Healthcare: Nursing Homes, Assisted Living, Continuous Care, and Senior Living Facilities

  • Industrial: Warehouse Distribution Facilities, Cold Storage, Build-To-Suit Basis

  • Other: Self-Storage, Office, Retail, and Hospitality



Investment Type:


  • Development

  • Acquisitions

  • Refinancing / Workouts / Recapitalization





  • $2-50 million



Hold Period:


  • Up to 5 years





  • Up to 88% Loan-To-Cost (LTC) in a senior position to the sponsor’s equity



Preferred Return:


  • 10-15% preferred return (depending on the risk level and profit sharing participation, if relevant)

  • Unpaid preferred return accrues and compounds until repayment





  • Typically, assignment of the Sponsor Interest in the owning LLC



Profit Sharing:


  • Profit Sharing is deal-dependent. Generally represents a split of excess profits after payment of preferred return and return of capital to both the senior equity and the sponsor





  • 15-30 days

Sponsor / Company


Common / JV Equity
Preferred Equity


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